
Escrito por Flavia - 10:13 -

Escrito por Flavia - 06:03 -

Escrito por Flavia - 06:53 -

Escrito por Flavia - 06:16 -
Mom and Baby are doing great. We are all home now and resting.

Escrito por Flavia - 11:59 -
Amanda Cardoso Garber was born by cesarian at 12:09 P.M. San Diego time on Friday August 19, 2005 She weight 2.745 KG and she is 47cm tall. Both Mom and Baby are doing good. They are together resting in the hospital room. I will have more information tomorrow. I am returning now to the hospital to stay the night with them both. Thank you for all your love and prayers

Escrito por Flavia - 15:45 -
Brazilian Father's Day
This is our first Brazilian Father's Day... and Amanda took us out to Barra da Lagoa to have lunch and celebrate. It was an awesome sunny day and the place... well, the pictures say everything. hopefully, our little girl will be on the next post.
Dia dos Pais no Brazil
Esse foi nosso primeiro Dia dos Pais (Brasileiro)... e Amanda nos levou pra comemorar com um Almoco na Barra da Lagoa. Tava um dia lindo e ensolarado... foi bem gostoso!!! As fotos dizem tudo. Tomara que nossa menina ja esteja aqui no proximo post.

Escrito por Flavia - 10:54 -

Escrito por Flavia - 09:52 -